On Monday, I went to the barn for my lesson and rode Majik. We practiced First Level Test 3. I've never ridden this test before, so it was difficult to plan ahead because I was always trying to just remember what the next movement was! I think it'll be much easier once I have the test completely solid.
Important things to work on:
- straightness and steadiness of halt on the centerline.
- getting the horse really jazzed up for the first trot lengthening because it comes so quickly after the halt at the beginning of the test.
- quality of the stretchy circle and demonstrating an understanding of the movement to the judge.
- getting a clean simple change across the diagonal - I messed this up in my lesson because I couldn't remember what the next movement was and forgot to concentrate on the execution of the change! Bad Kate! :)
- making sure to get in all of the corners.
I had to cancel my practice ride for Thursday because I had two big papers due and I was exhausted from a crazy week. However, I always have a lesson on Sunday when I'm home, so I'm riding in a lesson tomorrow with my trainer at home. I asked Bryn and she said that this could count as my practice ride. I'll make sure to tell Mary that we need to practice my test more!
I hope everyone is having a fantastic break so far - can't wait for game night when we get back!
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